David Moyes has spokin out about his fustration and dissapointment in the lack of new squad members for the coming campain.His determintion is still showing that he has not giving up on bringing in new squad members before the start of the new season.Moyes told Evertonfc.com that its been a great tour and good experience for the players but also a little dissapointing that he doesnt have new sqaud members with him to get them use to the way the play and get to know the lads before the campain starts.
The main dissapointment for David Moyes is the fact that its not one single player he is looking for its a few and its getting closer and closer to the start of the new season and there still no new faces at Goodison Park.Also on Moysey mind he is wondering if they players do arrive at the club would they be ready for the premier leauge and they way they play and then how long those it take for a player to settle and get full potential out off him.
Moyes took nothing away from the lads who beat Rapids 2-1 yesterday and said it was a well earned win and fully deserved he said he was delighted to see the lads back to winning ways and how well they played in the first 15mins he was espeically happy to see Osman and Mikel getting a goal each as of always goals need to be coming from midfield aswell and not just the strikers.Moyes has 11 days till the new season and lets just hope he does the smart thing and buy sensible players and not just blow it all on a one hit wonder.
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