Andy Van Der Meyde has told the Everton website that he wants back in on first team football and he is willing to give everything he`s got to break back into the squad.The veristle midfielder has been with Everton since 2005 but has struggled to break into the squad due to injury and media reports about his personal life.
Van Der Meyde told EvertonFc.com that "Sometimes I have the feeling that people think, look at him, he’s injured again and enjoying it’, but that isn’t the case, I want to play football".This is something David Moyes will be delighted to hear a player ready to give 100% in traning and receive this chance to prove his abilty.
The Dutchman who was injured for the past ten weeks is back doing light traning session bit of shooting and bits of running hopefully to keep making the hamstring strong and recover well.He also stated his desire to just run out on to the pitch and have the chance to shot on goal and hear the Everton fans shout his name this is someting the fans will be happy to hear after there side could only manage a draw against Newcastle after going 2-0.